Monthly Archives: September 2017

Trip Report: Casino Pier 2017

I had been down at the shore house in Brick a few days along with my father and sister. We took a day trip to Wildwood on Thursday. We all used to head down to Wildwood for a week back in the day, but stopped around 2007 or so. They each left on Friday morning Trip Report: Casino Pier 2017

On Saturday, August 19th, I went over to the annual fair hosted by the Rotary Club of Hillsborough, NJ. The drive over was about a half an hour and parking was easy due to fair being held next to a shopping center – although I had to park pretty far away. The rides were brought in Trip Report: Hillsborough Rotary Fair 2017

A couple of my cousins and I headed over to the New Jersey State Fair up in Sussex County on Saturday, August 12th, the last full operating day of the fair. We arrived at the fair earlier than normal, around quarter after 11, as it was a Saturday and might be crowded. We had all Trip Report: New Jersey State Fair 2017