Trip Report: Middlesex Fire Dept Fair 2018

First fair of 2018! I went over to the Middlesex Fire Dept Fair in Middlesex, NJ on Saturday, April 28th. I had some other plans later on, so I went a little earlier at around 5pm. It ended up raining later on, so going earlier actually worked out. The rides were brought in by Campy’s Trip Report: Middlesex Fire Dept Fair 2018

Trip Report: Middlesex Fire Dept Fair 2017

I headed out to my first fair of the year on Saturday, April 29th – the Middlesex Fire Dept Fair in Middlesex, NJ. I headed over at like 8:30pm and parked in the nearby high school’s faculty parking lot, which wasn’t that full despite the fair being crowded. The rides were brought in by Campys Trip Report: Middlesex Fire Dept Fair 2017

Trip Report: Middlesex Fireman’s Fair 2016

This off season seemed to just race by this year, more so than past years. I guess it’s because my last amusement related visit was late December with a trip to Six Flags’ Holiday in the Park festivities. Fairs and carnivals start around here in early April, but this year was particularly cold at the start Trip Report: Middlesex Fireman’s Fair 2016