I went to the State Fair Meadowlands on two nights this year. The first night was on Friday, June 29th, with a few of my cousins and the second was on Tuesday, July 3rd for photos and video. Rides were brought in by Amusements of America, Strates Shows, and some independent operators.

The Meadowlands’ Facebook posted a ride list, so that made the following pretty easy. I did make a couple of corrections, however. The fair had…

Trip Report: State Fair Meadowlands 2018

The local carnival at Our Lady of Peace church came around a little earlier this year, happening the first week in May as opposed to its usual mid-May week. It worked out all right though as each day was warmer than average with only Thursday night seeing some rain. The rides were brought in by Blue Sky Amusements and the fair had…

Trip Report: Our Lady of Peace Country Fair 2018

First fair of 2018! I went over to the Middlesex Fire Dept Fair in Middlesex, NJ on Saturday, April 28th. I had some other plans later on, so I went a little earlier at around 5pm. It ended up raining later on, so going earlier actually worked out. The rides were brought in by Campy’s Blue Star Amusements and the fair had…

Trip Report: Middlesex Fire Dept Fair 2018

On Sunday, March 18th, I took a trip down to Wildwood and shore points northward for a little off-season sightseeing. I arrived in Wildwood at about 12:30pm and parked near Sportland Pier. Looks like there’s some construction going on at the old Seaport Village location. A quick search says that it’s going to be Seaport Pier, a “year-round multi-purpose venue for regional and tourist guests of North Wildwood, NJ” according to the website. Looks like it’ll have some restaurants, bars, a music venue, and a swim club.

Trip Report: Winter Jersey Shore Trip 2018