Video Update! Great Nor’Easter

I recently went to Wildwood, NJ for a week long vacation. Wildwood is the location of Morey’s Piers, three large piers extending off the boardwalk that are jammed with rides. They somehow managed to fit the Great Nor’Easter, a custom made Vekoma hang n’ bang…err, SLC into the back of the pier. The coaster winds around watersides, comes very close to the Zoom Phloom log flume ride, has a cool light package, and resides in a cool oceanside locale! This video was taken over some 20+ train loads in order to get every angle that I needed to get a full video.

I’mmm Baaacck…

view from club Mix at Mandalay BayHello all you who happen to stumble upon this page. I came back today from a whirlwind tour of the west coast; Aniheim, San Diego, Phoenix, Sedona, Grand Canyon, Las Vegas, Yosemete, and San Francisco were the destinations. It was a blast finally seeing the west coast and meeting many people from different countries on tour including a lot of Austrailians, some Germans (one of whom thought that ‘Brian’ was a cool name), and a cutie from England.

Even though many theme parks are out that way, I didn’t go to any; I just didn’t have the time. But It’s definately not going to be my last time over there, so it’s not that big of a deal. However I do have a Manhattan Express ride review on the way, among other things.

Finally, thanks to all for not spam bombing the news blog; I was almost certain bots and their botlings were lying in wait for my departure…

Hang Ten Video

I went to the State Fair Meadowlands on Monday…the holy grail of carnivals. The big trip report will have to wait until mid July since I’m going away, but just to tide you all over I have the Hang Ten video uploaded. It contains offride and onride segments and the original audio is kept in with all its screaming and disco music being played; I can’t see this ride with any other music to be honest!

Have a happy 4th of July folks!

DoD3 v1.2 is Finally Done

I hope you all like the new look, because I do not want to do that shit again for a loooong time. I went and re-did all of the pages again and linked them all to a style sheet. Now I can control the look easily. Now…I can finally update the content.

404 Error Land


With the update of Domain of Death 3, my page hits have skyrocketed! Unfortunately the new influx of page hits are because surfers look at images and go back to a page with the Statcounter code on it; effectively putting some 10+ hits per page with ‘no referring link’ in between each. Gah!


However, the page that’s rocketed up the ‘popular pages’ list is the 404.html page! Aw hell! People are probably like “domain of death? Yeah that domain really is dead!” Until search engines recognize the new page links, it’s going to be quite the popular page unfortunately.