Trip Report: SFGAdv Holiday in the Park

I was down at the summer house last Saturday to put things away, clean up leaves, and get stuff organized for the winter. It’s not too far from Six Flags from there, so I decided to take a quick trip over to the park to check out the Holiday in the Park festivities. The day called for Trip Report: SFGAdv Holiday in the Park

Trip Report: Fright Fest – Six Flags Great Adventure 10/25/15

On Sunday, October 25th, I headed over to Six Flags Great Adventure for my last trip to Fright Fest for the year. I actually went twice to Fright Fest in total with the other being on Friday, October 16th. I had bought a season pass during the Labor Day weekend sale and redeemed it on my Trip Report: Fright Fest – Six Flags Great Adventure 10/25/15

Mini Trip Reports 2015

The fair season is pretty much over in these parts, with just street fairs and fall festivals going on until it gets too cold out. I actually went to a few more carnivals this year than I wrote about, so here’s some mini trip reports on them! St Vincent de Paul Carnival This year was St. Mini Trip Reports 2015

Trip Report: Kenilworth Fireman’s Fair 2015

I headed over to Kenilworth for the annual Fireman’s Fair on August 22nd. It was about a 20 minute drive to Kenilworth and upon arriving I had to hunt around for street parking. I ended up parking like four blocks away. I probably could have found one closer, but I suck at parallel parking so Trip Report: Kenilworth Fireman’s Fair 2015