“You really are a heel…”
According to the New York Post and many postings over at the Coney Island Message Board, it looks like developer Joe Sitt and Thor Equities were evicting tenants on their land just before Christmas…and they were doing it Sitt style. It seems that the boys at Thor have been going around and spreading holliday cheer by cutting off locks at tenants businesses and replacing them with their own. Well hell, that makes all those paperwight, fruit cake, socks, coal gifts look like new cars compared to Sitt’s gift!
Many new ‘for rent’ signs with Thor’s branding on them have also popped up around the area including ones on Ruby’s Bar and Grill, Grill House, and the Nathan’s hotdog stand that resides on the boardwalk (not The Nathan’s however, which is on Surf Ave.) Some posters at CI Message Board are bringing up the fact that replacing tenants locks and such is illegal to do without a court order. This comes as Thor reportedly offered leases to business owners that were some three times as much as they are now. I think one CI Message Board member summed it up nicely by simply posting the word “Madness.”
Joe Sitt is truly the Grinch.