Monthly Archives: September 2008

Shea Goodbye and…AAAAAAH!!!!

This isn’t an amusement related topic but I do feel the need to comment on this… Shea Stadium closed its doors for the final time on Sunday night. It could have stayed open for a little while longer but my Metsies found a way to screw that ALLLLLL up! Once again the Mets’ season went Shea Goodbye and…AAAAAAH!!!!

Goodbye Astroland

Astroland Amusement Park closed on Sunday and as far as everyone knows, it’s for good. Unlike last year, another year’s lease simply did not come to fruition. It’s sad seeing a piece of Coney Island history closing, especially when the lot may very well sit vacant next year while zoning is still an issue. The Goodbye Astroland

Crazy Dance Video

I took this video of the ‘Cortina Bob,’ a Fabbri manufactured Crazy Dance, on Sunday at the Great Allentown Fair. You don’t see a Crazy Dance ride too often…especially one themed after bobselds. The ride went fairly fast, for Crazy Dance standards, and had some nice effects. The only things I didn’t like about this Crazy Dance Video