Six Flags Flaunts 3Q Report

A teleconference about Six Flags’ 2008 third quarter performance was held this morning for analysts, media, and Joe six packs who wanted eavesdrop. In the call Mark Shapiro and crew outlined how the company has shown a revenue gain in the 3Q, going from $464.2 million in the 3Q in 2007 to $489.3 million this 3Q; a 5.4% increase. Along with an increase in revenue, the chain has also lowered expenses and rose per guest spending (aka how much money is spent in park by you, the guest.) Shapiro described it as the best year ever for Six Flags adding that the company is on track to be free-cash-flow positive and that “the foundation has been laid for significant long term growth.”

Of course as some people at the GAdv Online forum pointed out, they probably lowered expenses simply by removing flatrides and the Chiller at Great Adventure!

You can read an overview of the report at MSNBC
A webcast of the 46+ minute teleconference can be heard at the Six Flags website.

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